When news of a drug arrest in Forth Worth breaks, people often expect to hear news of how a person was caught either in possession of or attempting to distribute an illicit substance. Yet in many cases, a myriad of other charges are often reported in conjunction with such arrests. This may lead some to question exactly how is it that law enforcement officers were able to assign added intent to those arrested on drug charges if the connections between allegations and actual actions seem vague. It might even be questioned whether authorities may be being overzealous in their prosecution of a defendant.
Such questions may be worth asking given the potential implications aggravating factors may have on a drug case. One need only examine the story of a recent drug arrest in College Station to see this. Authorities arrested three individuals for possessing both drugs and allegedly drug-funded assets, including 13 pounds of marijuana, 350 ecstasy pills and a large amount of promethazine syrup, along with cash, jewelry, a gun, and two luxury cars. What could potentially have the suspects in this case facing compounded charges is that they are arrested within 1000 feet of a public playground, which is legally designated as a drug-free zone.
While no one should take the potential of children being exposed to drugs lightly, the rights of suspects in criminal cases should still be respected. This includes limiting criminal charges to only those that a suspect’s actions merit (as opposed to what law enforcement officials might infer their intent to be). Those who need assistance in assuring that this happens may find it in the form of an experienced criminal defense attorney.
Address: 405 W. Walnut St. Decatur,
TX 76234
Phone: (940) 0627-6060